Database Management Principles Listing


Summary of Database Principles

For the reasoning behind these principles, see Database Principles .

Principle 1 – All inputs must be designed to produce the required outputs in the required format.

Principle 2 – Ensure that all data entry is in a format that is supported by the system’s functionality wherever it is used.

Principle 3 – Where the system depends on users to follow standards for data entry, these standards must be documented, included in business processes and training and always followed.

Principle 4 – Wherever a reference number, such as an equipment number, stock number, employee number or work order number is displayed, a readily recognizable description must also be displayed.

Principle 5 – A distinction must be made between “display” fields and “search” fields. Where display fields are abbreviated, the unabbreviated form must be included elsewhere in each record for search purposes.

Principle 6 – Each “characteristic” of a work order (or any other database record) must have its own field, and the field name should describe the characteristic.

Principle 7 – The value list for each field where only one value may be selected must be designed so that an experienced and knowledgeable person will always be able to select one and only one value that applies.

Principle 8 – The contents of value lists must be very closely controlled to ensure that Principles 6 and 7 are not compromised. Value lists should never be open for editing by unauthorized people.

Principle 9 – In all displays, show all the information that is of value for the purpose for which the display is intended, and no other information.

Principle 10 – Always use the best available tool for managing maintenance information.

Principle 11 – Understand, in detail, the functionality of the system before finalizing the design of all system outputs.

Principle 12 – The use of each and every field, and every value in every field with a value list, must be described in the relevant business process, be included in training and frequently monitored.

Principle 13 – There must be clear responsibility for the management of business processes and the related database functions, and these responsibilities should be included in position descriptions.

Principle 14 – Where possible, use the database to do things that people can not do.

Principle 15 – As far as possible, enter data once only.

Principle 16 – Anyone who enters information on a form or directly to the database should understand and have feedback on the value of that information.

Principle 17 – Do not collect or report any information that can not be demonstrated to create real value to the organization.


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© Veleda Services Ltd
Don Armstrong, P.Eng, President
250-655-8267 Pacific Time